ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Winpuffs

Re: Winpuffs

Mon, 12 May 1997 22:43:43 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-05-12 20:58:01 EDT, you write:

<< No windpuffs ( Windgalls ) are not detremental ( sp? ) to a
if a younge horse develops windpuffs and is NOT being worked, improper
nutrition may be a possible cause, Osteochondritis Dessicans ( OCD ) which
metabolic bone disease. Considering you said the horse has no major
conformation faults we can rule that one out...also a serious strain can
cause windpuffs.

Winpuffs are merly synovial fluid that has built up in the tendon sheath and
has been stretched. In most cases the synovial fluid helps lubricate the
joint and therefor is benifecial to the horse. As far as treatment goes,
wraps and all that will only decrease the puffyness for a short period of
time and therefor you are wasting your time and actually better off if they
are left alone. If the horse is just begining to develop windpuffs, you
should lay it off for a short time so the condition can stabilize to prevent
further strain but than can go back to work!!!!

All in all windpuffs are not a problem unless the horse becomes lame, then
there is something more than just a windpuff.


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