ridecamp@endurance.net: Emoticons 8-)

Emoticons 8-)

Linda VanCeylon (LVanCeylon@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Wed, 7 May 97 15:22:55 -0600

Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
Have you seen these yet? They came from URL address:

8-) User is wearing sunglasses.

{:-) User wears a toupee.

}:-( Toupee in an updraft.

:-~) User has a cold.

:'-( User is crying.

:'-) User is so happy, s/he is crying.

:<) User is from an Ivy League School.

`:-) User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning.

,:-) Same thing, other side.

X-( User just died.

Linda Van Ceylon
phone: 970-491-1428
fax: 970-491-2838

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