ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Whoa there, folks! was: Sending Our Horse to a Trainer

Re: Whoa there, folks! was: Sending Our Horse to a Trainer

Liz Henry (lizh@best.com)
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 15:02:10 -0700 (PDT)

This is in response to Jo Long's post, I'd like to clarify some details that
in my state-of-mind, I didn't cover in enough details and can help paint an
even more accurate picture:

>A couple of points about this case: one, did the leg injuries result from a
>trailer accident, or did the owner just assume that (it wasn't stated in their

Yes, the accident resulted from a trailer accident. We talked to the
trainer's assistant who admitted that she tied April "too long" allowing her
to back out and, without shipping boots on, injure her legs against the
steel of the trailer.

Two, note that we have two very different descriptions of the extent
>of the injury -- one says "huge gouges on both her hind legs, one portion was
>scraped to the bone" and the other says "she just has some hair missing."

Yes, there are always two sides to a story. Beleive me, it had only been
some "hair missing", I wouldn't have had to call the vet, he knows that
money IS an object and that we don't call on him unless necessary. It was
fitting that this trainer would try to minimize the injuries, heck, they
didn't bother to call us, their vet or even treat her legs, flies were busy
doing that!
>As far as the trainer's uncooperative attitude -- how you might react if you're
>in the middle of a stressful situtation and someone gets "in your face"
about an
>injury you consider to be minor and part of the normal hazards of working with

That is THE point. I understand about the hazards of working with horses,
i.e. a horse trips on a trail, etc. However, this injury was 100%
preventable, had the trainer and/or her assistant used shipping boots for
trailering like, we, the owners had requested. This is in one word,
negligence, period.


Liz Henry
Account Manager,
Corporate Sales
Je parle Francais Best Internet Communications, Inc.
lizh@best.com Mt. View, CA 94043
T#415-944-8253 http://www.best.com
F#415-966-9090 main: 415-964-2378 (BEST)

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