ridecamp@endurance.net: Yucca supplement??

Yucca supplement??

Becky Huffman (hhcc1@htcomp.net)
Sun, 16 Mar 1997 19:49:03 -0600

Not real sure of my facts, but I think the supplement with Yucca may cause
your horse to test positive if you were drug tested at a ride. Would be
worth checking into.... if yes, maybe someone could recommend number of
days to withhold before competition.

Like I said, not sure about that. seems like I read that Yucca has same
chemical base as aspirin.

Somebody that knows, please respond.

Semper Fi & The ShadowRat
Huffman Horse and Cattle Company
Fine Endurance Arabians and 'Horned Cows'

>t's called Arthri-Soothe it has both chondroitin sulfate
> and glucosamine in it as well as anti-inflammatory herbs of Yucca ,
> boswellia,schidgera, and Vit C and E.

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