ridecamp@endurance.net: Water Bucket protocol

Water Bucket protocol

Laura G. Causey (CAUSEYL@mail.firn.edu)
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 13:21:28 -0500 (EST)

I've got a question--- what is the protocol concerning water buckets and
hay, in fact, all the goodies one's pit crew sets up for a rider or a rider
sends ahead as far as others using them. I have had several instances
where other riders feel free to use anyone's buckets or hay or people
drinking water at a vet check. I think an incoming rider should look for
their own, if missing their crew or sent ahead buckets, he or she should
REQUEST assistance from others, not help themselves. Not so, says one
vocal southeast rider- the horse can't read the name on the bucket , she
says, and he should be encouraged to drink anywhere, so shut up and don't
bother her, is her song. Twice she has left my bucket empty and my hay
half gone. I've even told her if she wants to send something ahead with my
crew, we'll set it up for her. She just needs to plan ahead. I got a
witchy letter from her saying she will complain to AERC about crew
harassemnt of rider if my crew says anything to her again. Am I wrong?
Don't get me wrong-- I'm all for helping each other. Just don't assume
it's okay to take what I have set up for my horse.

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