ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: sacking out

Re: sacking out

Mark & Karen Willmus (willmus@runestone.net)
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 21:45:55 -0600

With all due respect, Louise, I'm going to give an opinion contrary to
yours on the last post.

Regarding "sacking out:" I would not "sack out" in the cowboy-sense of the
word an Arab. I might try it on a plow-horse, but what you're talking
about won't get you anywhere with an Arab.

I'm no authority, but I'd read John Lyons and Pat Parelli thoroughly, and
then decide.

And please don't tie up a leg. Especially for shiers. There's a reason
they shy (ie. fear and lack of trust in their trainer) and tying up a leg
only makes it worse. I've got a whole lot of examples I could give you on
this one, and if you want to hear them, I'd be happy to go on ad nauseum
about all the things that have gone wrong.

"Round Pen Reasoning" and "Natural Horse-man-ship"

Karen Willmus


> From: MS LOUISE D BURTON <XXDU78A@prodigy.com>

>" The point in sacking out is that the horse cannot escape and he realizes
> the monster is not going to eat him after all. You must tie the horse so
> he cannot get loose at a place where he will not hurt himself. At Cal
> Poly, SLO, in horse training class, we used to tie them up and used a
> mattress to prevent injury. Use a neck rope through the halter. It is
> VERY important that you tie up a leg (how to do that is too long for
> otherwise you defeat your purpose because the horse just runs around and,
> in his mind, is "getting away".
> I have had 100% success in curing kickers this way. I have had marginal
> success with shiers, particulary Arabians."

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