Thu, 30 Jan 97 14:37:12 CST

When I did my 1st 25 I thought I'd die.
When I did my 1st 50 I thought I'd die.
When I did my 1st 100 I was afraid I wouldn't die soon enough!
Yes, It galled me to be reminded "25 isn't endurance"--Some ofus even made
up a song "25 milers are lower than dirt." One night (morning?) at the end
of a 100, only the vet left stirring (after we woke him), we decided it
was the 100 milers who were lower than dirt!! It's all a matter of
perspective. Luckily, I belong to a pretty good group, Ozark Country
Endurance Riders. Many, if not all of us switch between Limited Distance &
Endurance depending on our horse/other obligations/weather/mood/etc. It's
pretty hard to look down on yourself!!! If you know 25 is your limit &
you get satisfaction from it, what does it matter what anyone else thinks?
Yes, limited distance is limited distance & endurance is endurance. If
you're doing either one to impress other people, forget it. Set your own
goals.Our group has an awards program that includes quite a bit of
recognition for LD riders. They are AERC sanctioned, but remember, the more
AERC involvement (Rules & Awards) the greater the cost. I have been against
the surcharge For LD riders who aren't AERC members so new people can try
the sport without a lot of money. But as an AERC member, if their services
expand, everyone should bear the cost. IMO local or regional clubs should
take responsibility for LD awards & rules that are appropriate for their
area. I hope to continue riding the trails for many years, whether it be fun
Limited Distance 25's or challenging Endurance 100's. Nancy Mitts.