Re: Limited Distance

LYNN M. Crespo (
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 09:53:32 -0500 (EST)

>>accept your limitiations or strive to go beyond them, but don"t tell me
you are as good or better than the 50 or 100 mile rider because you can't
or haven't been there.<<

I hope that this comment was not meant to sound as derogatory as it came
across. I would give everything I own to be able to compete, even at the
LD level. If I strived to "go beyond" my limitations it could have
serious, devastating consequences. My goal is to be able to compete
someday at the 25 mile level. When I do it is an accomplishment you can
not realize.

For one who loves the sport, spends all my free time trying to learn ways
to help ALL horses through the sharing of knowledge, and who most probably
will never go beyond crewing (and on the trail I again help ALL horses and
riders that pass my way!) I feel that this accomplishment is also equal to
the riders. I always feel that twinge of jealousy watching the riders
leave camp and wish I could too.

As has been repeatedly stated, each to his own ability, but when you give
100%, no matter the distance, the accomplishment is just as worthy.

And you are right I Can't be there....but would sure like to!


L. M. Crespo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Pharmacology
Nova-Southeastern University