Re: Need horse "rain-coat"

Reynolds, Nikki (
Sat, 18 Jan 1997 05:53:40 -0800

Nancy Churchill wrote:
> My horse, Chavo, refuses to come in out of the rain (and kicks down the barn
> when locked in), and since we live in Seattle, he now has a pretty good case
> of rain scald going. I'm planning on shaving him (just the affected areas,
> back and neck) this weekend, and then plan on keeping him blanketed 24 hours
> a day, but I need to get a new blanket and hood. Our temps here are
> normally not so cold, and all the blankets that I can find with hoods are
> too heavy to be worn all day - he breaks out into a sweat.
> I just need a lightweight, water-proof sheet (and hood - the scald has moved
> up his neck) that will keep him DRY, but not overheated. If you know of
> anyplace that sells such a thing, or custom makes blankets, please e-mail me
> I did search the archives and found the number for Mary Coleman in PA, so
> I'll be checking with her tomorrow, but please let me know if you know of
> any other products.
> Please email me directly at, I don't want to clutter up
> the list with this, but I'm desperate, and endurance people always have the
> best equipment sources. Thanks!
> Nancy Churchill Redmond, WA

Hello Nancy,
You're not cluttering our space with this legitimate health problem. I
can't help you with the raincoat, but I was just reading about rainrot
last night in The Horseman's Advisor: Forum. The address is: (click on "Forum and E-mail). Waiting 3 years for
it to load up, (I'm almost kidding!), and scroll to near the bottom.
They have a resident veterinarian at that site and his staff submitted
one of the answers to that question and included a place to go for even
further info. Good Luck, Nikki