Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Nutrition again - gut sounds]]

Patricia Chase (
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 14:41:23 -0800

>Not so. Simple carbohydrates will hit the energy system within one hour and
>blood glucose will peak within 2 hours of feeding. Grain feeding will produce
>similar, but lower-peaked glucose curves. All these "experts" who are
>agreeing have never bothered to test the theory, evidently. If you want to
>test it, just go down to the drug store and get a simple glucometer. In five
>hours you can get your horse's response to any kind of feed.

Happy New Year Everybody!

Its nice to have you guys back after the long holiday hiatus.

What do you feed as a simple carb? Sugar seems obvious, but I bet there's
something else out there. I have noticed that Mr. RoanHorse really digs my
Nature Valley Honey'N'Oat granola bars, unusual for a horse who usually
disdains pocket-treats. Years ago, Miller's used to market something called
a "Winergy" bar, that had al sorts of interesting things like tomatoes and
nettle leaves in it, which really gave him an energy boost at vet checks.
He really liked those, too. Unfortunately, they no longer have it in there
atalogues. If anyone knows of a source for these equine "Powerbars" please
let me know!

Happy Trails,

Patty and The Roan

Rainbow Paso Fino Ranch
4331 Garden Spot Rd.
Clayton, WA 99110