Gait for endurance
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 08:37:33 +0100

>Part of the reason a trot is "easier" on an endurance horse is that fact that
>they can breathe as needed at a trot and are forced into breathing in rhythm
>with the stride at the canter...

No, it's easier for the rider to condition a horse for trot.

>It is considered by some to be a Man-made gait, since in the field the horse
>prefers to walk or canter. Because humans have a hard time learning to move

Yes, humans have hard time to learn a horse to canter at lower speed than at
trot and even at walk !

It's not a new concept since in his book titled 'Paris Rouen Deauville', Colonel
Bausil (1903) describe how to use walk for training, trot for climbing and canter
for winning...
As kat noticed between backward galop (Cf J. Fillis), canter, barrel racing, etc.
galop is the gait giving the more variety in speed and balance, horizontal

Pierre Bulte - France