discuss vs. attack

Linda VanCeylon (LVanCeylon@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Wed, 11 Dec 96 13:27:27 MST


I've decided to keep these two definitions handy to glance at before I post
to this group. Even though most of our posts are conducive to positive
discussion, it never hurts to have a reminder of what 'discuss' means.
This, hopefully, will avoid any more faux pas. Which could, understandably,
make Steph nervous.

Just thought I might share these definitions so you all would have them

(definitions complements of www.m-w.com)

discuss, transitive verb
a : to investigate by reasoning or argument
b : to present in detail for examination or consideration
<discussed plans for the party>
c : to talk about

attack, verb
1 : to set upon or work against forcefully
2 : to assail with unfriendly or bitter words
3 : to begin to affect or to act on injuriously
4 : to set to work on
5 : to threaten (a piece in chess) with immediate capture

Linda Van Ceylon