Correct me if wrong...but...
Mon, 9 Dec 1996 14:33:26 -0500

Whoa... I read Tracy's comments and agree with some of the points he made
concerning the improper conduct of two or three people here. If you go back
and read the threads I think you'll find the messages he refers to that
promote the idea of first calling on AERC and in later messages suggesting we
flood nutramax with our stand against them. I think he's referring to these
three people's messages when he refers to a twentieth of a percent of AERC, I
think thats about 2.5 members.
I also wanted to comment on the assertion that comments are running 80
percent against cash prizes. I may be missing something but I downloaded all
the messages from 12-1-96 forward and my tabulations reflect 59 different
people responding to the issue of cash prizes with 20 supporting cash as an
award in some form or another, 17 against them and possibly trailers as well
with the remaining 22 people merely making suggestions, asking questions or
commenting. Anyhow, I failed to locate the 80% on this section that are
against cash awards.