Re: Cosequin Challenge - where the info came from
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 19:01:56 -0500

Teddy sent me the flyer and looking at it, I think I can diagnose the
etiology of this particular mishap:

Nutramax wants to break into new markets, so they send an innocent young rep
out into the woods with a suitcase full of cash to dig up promotions. The
young rep encounters someone at Virginia Trail Conservatory who needs income
for that outfit and together, these two innocents figure that a big prize
will gather a lot of entry fees and co-sponsors and all this income can go to
VTC while Nutramax gets good publicity.

Then the manure hits the fan.

Fault: 1) The Nutramax company and rep for not knowing the sport. 2) The
Nutramax Company and rep for not going through the governing body first,
gaining an education along the way. 3) Virginia Trail Conservatory rep for
not understanding the nature of the sport.

Damage: Nutramax gets an undeserved bad name for trying to do some good while
gaining market share (also, drugging horses comes up--a whole 'nother fiasco
for a nutritional manufacturer who is trying to dodge the claims/drug/FDA
bullet by calling its product a "nutraceutical"). VTCs big plans in shambles.

Partial solution: This is damage that cannot be repaired. However, it can be
soothed with the $30K going in a different direction. Hopefully, that will be
the final disposition.

Continuing problems: 1) Define, officially, Endurance Racing. 2) Set up
guidelines for sponsor participation. 3) Ensure that the governing body is
responsive to participants' needs, then support governing body by not
participating in unsanctioned events.
