Kris - riders wish list?

Linda VanCeylon (LVanCeylon@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Tue, 3 Dec 96 13:57:37 MST

Hi again Kris,

Here is my short and sweet list of my favorite things at a ride. RE: your
question below.

>3. For riders - what was the best thing a ride ever had/did for you?>

*A well marked course that is the length sanctioned (not longer, not
*PR folks who know how to take a PULSE, have the CORRECT TIME, and know how
to record TIME AND PULSE on the card.
*Friendly volunteers and riders.

Those are all I need to have a good ride. I don't care about awards, they
just clutter up my tack-room. I don't care about food, I usually bring to
much to camp anyway.

Good Luck!

Linda Van Ceylon