Thanks for fencing suggestions

Ellen K. Osinski (
Tue, 3 Dec 96 11:44:21 MST

I have gotten a lot of replies to my request for replacement fencing options.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I have gotten a lot
of good ideas. My favorite are PVC coated wire, recycled conveyor belts, and
'strips of white plastic/rubber that is somehow attached between posts ...
like that rubber baseboard stuff'. I will try to find out more about this.

I want to stay away from wire, if possible,
as I have not had good luck with it of late. I do plan on growing a wild rose
fence with in my fence to keep the horses away/off of the fence. Wild roses
are very available in my pastures and are easliy grown here.

Thanks again for all the comments. I am still open to suggestions if anyone has
any other fencing options/opinions.

I have also saved all the replies I have received and will forward the file
to anyone who wants it.

Ellen Osinski
Boise Idaho