Heart Monitors

Sun, 24 Nov 1996 10:08:10 -0500

A couple of years ago I was taking PRs at our clubs' annual CTR. One very
serious rider had just gotten his heart monitor a few months prior. This
rider came to my PR check. I took the pulse and got 68 (parameters 64). His
heart monitor showed a steady 56. He objected to my pulse because of his
monitor. Since I wasn't doing CRI, I felt it was ok to recheck, which I did
and I still got 68 (30 sec check) and his monitor showed 56. He was angry,
but I told him I was standing by my pulse as I am a critical care nurse and
have been listening to heart beats (under stressful circumstances ) for 15
years. With that, he walked away to his ten minute hold. I am sharing this
because I am concerned that riders who are new to heart monitors, might
think that they are absolute, which they are not. Not even the thousands of
dollars monitors in my ER are absolute. Could Roger please comment ?
Thanks Kathy Jupiter, Fl