re: fit mares tying up

Linda VanCeylon (LVanCeylon@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Wed, 20 Nov 96 15:05:34 MST

Hi Laney,

What implant did you use?

My vet said there isn't anything out there that works. But, I have this 23
yo mare that I need to start riding again. She cycles 12 months per year
and is an absolute b----!

We need something!

Linda Van Ceylon
Original Text
>From, on 11/20/96 1:35 PM:
I had this problem with my mare, I'm glad to know it wasn't just her. I
used the hormone implant which I highly recommend - not being plagued by
heat cycles, she was a much happier and more manageable horse. The implant
can't be considered a "cure" unless the problem is purely hormonal. Any
other input on this subject would be really valuable!