SS statistics

Sat, 9 Nov 1996 22:07:21, -0500

Hello everyone. I've subcribed for a little over 1 1/2 months now.
This is my first posting. With all the info being discussed about
SS I would deduce that they are very common out there. My experience
is only from 6 LD rides in So. Cal and though I do keep my eyes open
for the variety of saddles in use I've only come accross one SS
being used on a TWH. So I would like to know if SS are commonly used
in endurance rides LD, 50's & 100's? Do the rest of you see them out
there at endurance events? Are they more common on certain breeds
then others? If they really free up the horses movement and fit such
a wide range of horsebacks then you should see them everywhere right?
