Re: Yeow! Bareback?

Patricia Chase (
Sat, 9 Nov 1996 09:07:27 -0800

>> I was at the Limestone Challenge in Oregaon last year and a woman rode the
>> 25 bareback in a SKIRT.
>OK, maybe I'm missing something here. I like looking like a girl from time
>to time just to surprise everyone, and I have been known to occasionally
>wear a skirt or dress (although like as not I'm wearing it with mud boots
>underneath), but honestly, the times when I want to be Coy and Demure (not that
>anyone's really buying THAT act), it is NOT while I'm belting along at
>an endurance ride. Therefore, I can only assume this poor demented
>creature's reasons for riding in a skirt were:
>1) She's trolling for a man and figured since the rest of us women were
>sweaty, grubby, screaming like a shrew at crew and spending too damn
>much time watching our horses pee, she should by comparison look pretty
>2) She's really taken to heart the idea that 25's are just for training
>and in order to steel herself to the Pain and Agony of a first 50, she
>did the most excruciating thing she could think of that didn't actually involve
>barbed wire, cattle prods or branding irons.
>3) She's been watching too much Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Dances with Wolves,
>and Little House on the Prarie and has not yet puzzled out that TV and
>movies are all pretend people on pretend horses.
>4) She had told everyone at work she was having an incredibly wild, mad,
>passionate affair and needed the rug burns to prove it.

Hey David!
There are women in this country whose religious convictions preclude wearing
trousers, let alone spandex breeches. They have enough to deal with
already; they don't need ridicule, probably deserve more in the way of
respect and admiration. Remember religion? It used to be important to the
majority of people in this country before the ACLU, lawyers, and government
intervention in our lives made it ok to discuss sex, drugs and the
importance of using clean needles (furnished by our tax dollars so that drug
abusers can more conveniently use drugs that are supposed to be illegal) but
morning prayer, and the discussion of God and religious principles are banned.
If someone from an Arab or Muslim country competed in robes and turban,
would you ridicule them?
Happy Trails, and freedom to enjoy them whatever your religious beliefs, (or
even lack thereof)

Patty and The Roan
Patty and The Roan

Rainbow Paso Fino Ranch
4331 Garden Spot Rd.
Clayton, WA 99110