pregnant mares...

Lynn E Taylor (
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 10:31:14 +0000

I have been reading the preggie stories and agree with the "horses
are truly amazing". I worked at a polo barn during college in CT
where there were 2 extremely arrogant people playing polo with a
big-bellied, but ribby mare. I suggested they get her preg. checked,
but they laughed at me and said that she was :wormy" and they would
take care of it. Well, one night after playing 2 chukkers of polo she
laid down in her stall and had a healthy filly. Amazing! People are
very irresponsible sometimes, and this WAS one of those times! I
think some exercise is good, but that was ridiculous!!!...Lynn

Lynn E. Taylor, MS, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Equine Science
Otterbein College
Westerville, Oh 43081