Re: need more stuff - A CURE!!

K S Swigart (
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 09:30:04 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 6 Nov 1996, Rebecca Hackworth wrote:

> Oh yeah, sure. But what, socks, new cookstove, new tent for
> the extra kids I am now bringing. Then there are the sleeping bags to
> replace, the air mattresses to replace, a bigger better porta potty. How
> about a real camping lantern.....

I still use the same sleeping bag that my parents bought me when I was 10,
a tent left over from when I was in the Boy Scouts (I kid you not). I
don't have a lantern, I stumble about in the dark (which I have plenty of
practice doing when I am at home, especially now that we are off daylight
savings time, as there are no lights at my place). My dad bought me an
air mattress last year for Christmas, before then, I slept on the ground
(or in the bed of my truck). I pee behind a tree. I eat cold turkey and
cheese for dinner (no need for a cook stove at all, I would probably just
burn the food anyway). And I don't have any kids to bitch and complain
that we are roughing it.

I also don't have a crew, so even if I did have all this stuff for
camping, etc. I wouldn't have time to use them. I'm too busy taking care
of the horse to worry about taking care of myself. Of course, maybe if I
had all this stuff, I would have a crew too (because crews as well as
kids can bitch and complain about the roughing it).

If the weather gets really bad (like it did last week at Cuyamaca), I
sleep in the cab of my truck. Sometimes I sleep in the trailer too, if I
am at a multi-day ride and it has been a while since the horse occupied it.

As, I added, maybe the cure is being broke.

Orange County, Calif.