Re: Chester's first real ride

Joyce Kellenberger (
Mon, 4 Nov 96 16:20:01 PST

> However, after that, there was a way to get to the road and we took it.
> They were great once we left the group which I found amusing considering
> neither horse is completely confident. I think that it was just too much
> for Chester. Too many horses and strange people and alot of hills. I guess
> this is normal for a young horse to act up like this the first time out. I
> was so embarrassed. Both my horses were awful, even the mare. I just don't
> get it. I thought we were over all the crap. Guess not. Time to start over.
Alice: Such an awful experience for you and Chester and Hannah! I have had
similar experiences in the past, but I finally hit on the key for me . . .
TRUST. If your horse really trusts you, he will do anything you ask because
he knows you would never do anything to harm him. Trust comes over a period
of time and lots of miles. It also has to do with trust in yourself. Perhaps
you lost a little of your confidence while in the larger group of riders and
your horses sensed that.
