need more stuff, possible cure?

Allen Xrealname Linda Eisele (
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 20:59:46 -0800 (PST)

>Am I the only one that buys stuff only to lust after more stuff? Is there
>ever a point where you achieve equilibrium and don't need any more stuff?
>What do you do then with all the money that previously went for said stuff?
>Go to more rides? Buy another horse and start the cycle all over again?
>Is there a treatment program for this?
>It's called DIMR (distance induced mental retardation) and there is NO
There is a temporary cure, find some family member that won't devulge any
information even if their life is threatened and have that person dig a hole
in the back 40 and bury all credit cards, then the same person must edit all
mail and burn (not put in trash as those can be dug out) all horse related
magazines and catalogs. Play subliminal tapes every night emphasizing alot
of this "stuff" is really unnessecary. Ofcourse there will be withdrawal
symptoms...but all of this will be in vain when a visit to a neighbor
unknowing of your condition will have a copy of SportTack on their coffee
table. All symptoms of DIMR will immediatelly return then.
P.S. To my husband... For my birthday, a two toned pommel bag and fleece
cover for my new SS. Please??
Here's lookin back atya.......()()
Linda Eisele & Sareei and ('')\
hubby, Allen and the General (* *)\\_______~~~~~~ ( )
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