AERC - Endurance Riders Handbook

Michael K Maul (
Fri, 1 Nov 96 13:57:00 CST

many of the regular readers of the listserv may already know this but the
AERC endurance riders handbook - found on the aerc home page - contains
a lot of useful information. Below is the table of contents for the material
at the site.

as you can see from the other listings there - you can find the complete
set of rules, the committee.....

mike maul
houston, tx

> AERC - Endurance Riders Handbook
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> + Chapter One: Introduction to the AERC
> + Chapter Two: Attending a Ride: A General Overview
> + Chapter Three: Selecting an Endurance Horse
> + Chapter Four: Feeding the Endurance Horse
> + Chapter Five: Tack
> + Chapter Six: Conditioning
> + Chapter Seven: Trailering
> + Chapter Eight: Camping With Your Horse
> + Chapter Nine: Rider Survival
> + Chapter Ten: Pacing in Competition
> + Chapter Eleven: Pit Crewing
> + Chapter Twelve: Veterinary Considerations
> + Appendix III : Glossary
> + Appendix IV : Bibliography
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Image] Home ][ [Image] AERC Handbook ][ [Image] AERC Ride Calendar
> [Image] AERC Office ][ [Image] AERC Rules ][ [Image] AERC
> International ][ [Image] AERC Directors
> --------------------------------------------------
> This site is sponsored by Endurance Net

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