Re: steep hills and cantering
Wed, 30 Oct 1996 10:18:45 -0500

Uphills are hard on matter how fit they are. I use uphill gallops
(when the horse is ready) to strenghten muscles and the cardio-vascular

Conversely, downhills are also hard on the structures ...especially the front
end. I am ALWAYS careful of dowbhills no matter how fit the horse is.

Remember the old saying..a horse only has so many downhill miles.

Frankly, I am not fit anough to help my horse uphill by tailing. But I
promise my horse that if he'll carry me to the top, I will lead him down...I
have done this on many occassions.

Use your heart monitor to tell you how much stress your horse is getting. It
is LESS when you go slowly uphill and when you lead downhill.
