long distance purchase

Wed, 16 Oct 1996 12:02:39 -0400

Hi Amy,
I agree with Susan from KY. I,also, bought a horse, this past year
from someone on this list, for this ride season. It was a risk and I had
to make a quick decision about it, because of the long distance thing.(I'm
in FL and the horse in VA!) We met up in NC. I love the horse and he has
turned out to be more than I expected and am very pleased with the
purchase. I was allowed to leased him with the understanding that it would
be up to me to get him back home if I decided that I didn't want
him......now that is a long drive and my husband wanted me to be pretty
sure....so I was "pretty" sure when we took him home. I, also, went with
the gut feeling. Buying a horse is risk no matter where it is or how much
you know about them. I did the video thing, saw his papers, etc. but being
able to lease him is what sold me. Leasing worked for us.....I insured
him, etc---but my whole thought on this is he had to go back home in as
good a shape as when I got him and I am sure the lessor(the previous owner)
felt the same!!! In other words....you break, it you bought it. It
worked for us, but there is a flip side to this story.......
Now when I leased her horse, I leased out one of MY OTHER
horses......to someone I know well. She didn't take care of the
horse(wasn't in position to and inexperienced) and he was injured, she rode
him with out shoes(due to poor shoeing) on a semi-rocky road(normally shod
with pads) and he abcessed and bruised the navicular bone.... to make a
long story short, I had him sold and then had to buy him back as a result
of the problem with the navicular bone.....I had had this horse for two
years, rode him regularly and hard and never had a problem. Now I have a
young(8yrs) horse that is semi-lame, no buyer in sight, vet bills, and one
friend less......
I knew the risk going into both deals, one was good, one
wasn't....but it is a risk. What I am trying to say is even when you think
you KNOW all the players in a deal, it can still go sour......sometimes you
are better off with the unknown players than you are with the ones you


PS. ...and a new aquaintance/friend and have a great prospect for this
season!!! Our first ride is Panther Run---first week in Nov!!!! Then
River Run, GA....see you there!!! Can't wait!!!

Susan Rae Bolton
3875 Toby Ave .
Valkaria, Florida 32950
Home (407)727-8765
E-Mail: bolton@pbhs.brevard.k12.fl.us