Re:TWH - can they?

Jude Hall (Hall@CC.DENISON.EDU)
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 11:59:30 -0400 (EDT)

Alice - you wrote: (snip snip)

I had a walker for 5 years that I intended to put into CTR,
>but when I became serious about dressage, I sold him. Now I'm looking for
>another. However, he was a big horse too. He had lots of heart and good
>recoveries when in shape. Someone once told me that walkers weren't good
>b/c of head movement--it wore them out faster than say a foxtrotter, or a
>regular trotting horse. Is this true from anyone's experience?

:^) I think there are a lot of misconceptions out
there about what horses can and can't do. Actually,
a foxtrotter has the same nodding head movement of
a walking horse. My horse's intermediate gait, which
is my main traveling gait, is a rack, which does not
include a nodding head. But, when she does do her
running walk, her HR isn't higher nor does she seem
to wear out...

I always hear that Walking Horses cannot do well
in CTR or endurance because their recoveries are
too slow - my mare is a TWH, 16.1, last weekend we
rode a LD ride, very tough, all up and down. By
the time I dismounted at the vet check & loosened
the girth, her HR was 48 (this was 2 minutes after
walking in). On CTRs her HR is usually 40-44 in
the 10 minutes; after her 1st 30 mile ride, it was

So, as Truman Prevatt told me a couple of years
ago (his 16.2 TWH mare has over 1600 miles and
a ROC completion this year) - condition your horse
(whatever breed) for the job you intend to do -
and don't listen to those who have been told that
a certain breed cannot perform. I think a lot
of this info is passed on without real knowledge.

I competed in a CTR this summer, and someone who
I had encouraged to consider riding her walker
did. The horse was overweight and obviously
not conditioned. At the end of the ride; the
horse's pulse was 80 after 10 minutes - certainly
perpetuating the idea that TWH cannot recover....
my mare's pulse was 40 10 minutes after the same

It is the conditioning, not the breed.

Jude Hall
& Pride's Pure Angel (TWH)
& Kentucky Redbud (Racking Horse)
>Which horse are referring to here. I have a Hanoverian/thorobred and a
>quarter horse/rheinlander. He's slower and lazier. She's a major go getter
>and sometimes burns herself out, but smaller muscled.
>At 01:14 PM 10/14/96 -0400, you wrote:
>> Your horse is more suited to CTR ( at least probably) and suited to
>>NATRC. From1986-92 the President's Cup winners were not arabs or arab
>>crosses. oops 1990 was an arab. To ride a non arab you have to ride smarter
>>( ie offer water and sponge alot, check the maps for likely surprise P&R's ,
>>walk into P&R's etc). NATRC is a great organization and a great place to
>>start your horse, you may move on to other groups but NATRC will give you the
>>base to go on.
>>Mary Lynn
>Alice and Shawn Steinke and Willie in Kentucky
>(Also Lacie, the honorary dachs and Willie's sister
>and best friend, and Turbo{get the Kittie} Kittie,
>Willie's personal secretary)
>Stand aside you other candidates.
>Musn't forget Chester and Hannah, the wonder horses.