Re: Saddle sliding forward (Help!)

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Mon, 7 Oct 96 16:57:38 PDT

REPLY TO 10/07/96 11:04 FROM Saddle sliding forward

Hi Jacqueline,

A couple of thoughts on your saddle slipping.

Have you absolutely determined that the saddle fits the horse?
In my experience with horses, a properly fitting saddle will
not slip much. If you have to depend on breastcollars or cruppers
to position the saddle, then you are pulling against some part of
the horse, and chances are you will sore the horse.

You also should not have to girth overly tight to keep the saddle
in place either. This will not do the horse any good.

Does your horse have particularly flat withers? I can't quite
inagine how the saddle ended up on the neck.

Karen (riding in Sport saddles that do not slip)
