ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] mystery pus

[endurance] mystery pus

Judith Shrum (jshrum@vt.edu)
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 14:59:56 -0400

Does anyone know what road founder symptoms are? Or can blackberries and
other brambles cause infectious swelling in horses? What about high
pasture grasses?
What about biting ants?

Here's why I ask these questions that seem so unrelated: My 15 yr old
competitive trail gelding came out of the stall last week with all four
legs swollen like elephant legs. Horrified, I hosed with cold water for
about 45 minutes, but to no avail. Suddenly, I noticed little droplets of
serum coming from about 50 little holes like paper cuts or tiny puncture
wounds in each leg. I called my vet who recommended 30 cc of penecillin
twice daily and I cleaned all legs with betadine and then smeared them with
furacin. I've been doing the smear process every other day since about a
week ago. I continue the penecillin twice daily. Three of the legs
cleared up, but the front left still is swollen at the knee. My vet thinks
he got tangled up in barbed wire, but there are no big cuts and no tears or
big puncture wound like one usually sees with barbed wire encounters.

The only recent history I can think of that could be related is that the
horse was shod 2 days before this swelling, rested the day before, ridden
at his usual training pace, but more of the riding was on a dirt road than
usual; he was ridden through a field of high grass at a trot; and we have
ahd alot of red ants this year near our barn, but haven't seen any in the
stalls. This horse is not wimpy or soft; he's used to doing 2 day 65 mile
rides, and has been conditioned for over 5 years for this sport.

I'd appreciate any ideas--and please respond off list if you can. I'll
compile interesting stuff and send it out. Thanks!