ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Dilemma

[endurance] Dilemma

Diane E. Nelson (nelsonde@ttown.apci.com)
Fri, 29 Mar 1996 08:41:02 -0500 (EST)

First let me say I will NEVER again sign up for a no-refund CTR in March!

We're getting an ice storm even as I write.... Assuming I can even get
the trailer out of the field, assuming that once I do that I can get it
back up the steep slope to park, assuming that it warms to the 40's,
assuming that it will only be a "cold rain" on Sun.--my dilemma is
whether or not to take Miss B. Last fall at the Patapsco 30, it was cold
& windy--her recoveries were AWFUL (first time I EVER had metabolics to
be concerned about in 15 years!)--and it was entirely due to her being
cold & shivery. She's slated to go on Sun. along with Kasey (recovering
from that shoe incident) or Mr T (really bad suspensory injury that's
been 2 years in the repair...don't like to put him on sand).

My feeling right now is to shrug & say, "Oh well, it's only
money...there'll be another day." Kevin would be OK on Kasey who is
young and does nothing stupid, but I worry about sand grating on that
foot. I'd ride Mr T but I'd sure like to save him for rides that really
count--like the OD50 coming up.

After all, this was only supposed to be a little training ride--now it's
turning into an "endurance marathon"--for the people!

Suggestions? Commiserations?

Diane @ Safe Haven