ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Easyrate Heart Monitors

Re: [endurance] Easyrate Heart Monitors

Truman Prevatt (prevatt@lds.loral.com)
Mon, 11 Mar 1996 11:06:47 -0400

>Does anyone use the new wireless Easyrate Heart Monitor?
>If you have I'd like your opinion before I buy one myself.
>I find the V-Max a pain with the wires, and it is hard to tack and untack
>at a check if you're using it in competition.

Yes, I know someone who lost one on the trail and I know someone who had
rubbing problems with one. While the wires are a pain, they may be the
least of the evils.



The race is not always to the swift, but to those that keep running.

Truman and Mystic "The Horse from HELL" Storm
and Danson "The Demon in Training" Flame

prevatt@lds.loral.com - Sarasota, Florida