ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: endurance saddle shopping

[endurance] Re: endurance saddle shopping

Sullys Maze (Sully@forsythe.stanford.edu)
Wed, 6 Mar 96 08:28:10 PST

[36818] WED 03/06/96 08:12 FROM Rgarlitz@txranger.com "Roger Garlitz": Re:
[endurance] saddle shopping; 46 LINES

I have an orthoflex express lite. I am a heavyweight rider. I have 3 horses
of very different builds. An arab gelding, a arab stallion that is bult
like a morgan and a 1200 lb quarter horse. The orthoflex fits all three.

I ride competitive trail where they are always trying their best to find
sore backs, and it doesn't happen with this saddle.

I have ridden this saddle in competition both in competitive trail and
endurance for 3 years. I have had only one problem where my horse had dry
spots just behind the withers. Turned out I was riding faster and my
horses's head was comming up, which hollowed his back in that area. I ask
him to carry his head lower and the dry spots disappeared.

Roger, I have to interject here, becuase this sounds a little nuts.
You mean you can't go fast in this saddle or it won't fit right?
The horse has to keep his head in a certain position? What if he
gets tired carrying his head down on a long ride? Sorry, it seems
to me that the saddle should fit regardless what gait or speed the
horse is going, or where his head is. When we ride, we go all
speeds, up, down, over rough terrain, and about the last thing I
would want to worry about is keeping the head in a certain postion.

HOpe this doesn't sound like a flame, it just sounded really
weird to me.
Since the Orthoflex has flexible panels, I am really surprises it
caused any dry spots. Shouldn't that saddle conpensate for the
back both hollowing and rounding? It claims it does in all the

Karen, (still having no problems with the Sport Saddle)

I love my saddle and would buy it again if i had to replace it. I wish I
sold them!

"Endeavor to Persevere" , Roger Garlitz
Cowboy Country http://www.txranger.com
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