ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: Travelling with horses

[endurance] Re: Travelling with horses

Stephanie Teeter (step@fsr.com)
Wed, 28 Feb 1996 18:03:44 +0800

Kathy - I've forwarded your message to the endurance listserve - there will be plenty of folks who can
give you this information.

Good luck,

Steph Teeter

(p.s. - Rick and Lori - or Stagg - can you get me some of this information to add to the endurance

>>>>> "K" == K S Swigart <katswig@deltanet.com> writes:

> Lori Stewart, Stephanie Teeter

> I got your e-mail addresses from an article in the July issue of
> the Endurance News and was hoping you could help me with some
> information.

> I would like to know if you know (or know anybody who knows)
> about the USDA requirements for transporting horses to and from
> Europe (and any other American regulatory bodies).

> I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to contact the federal
> government directly and thought perhaps someone who had
> experience with moving the endurance team for the world
> equestrian games might be able to help.

> I know that Stagg Newman once upon a time gave his e-mail
> address in the Endurance News, but I didn't have that particular
> issue with me. If you know of anybody who might be able to help
> me with this question I would appreciate it if you could pass my
> message on to them.

> Or if they are not on the internet, could you give me their
> address and/or phone number and I can contact them when I get
> back in the States.

> Sincerely,

> Kathy Swigart E-mail: katswig@deltanet.com