ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Ride Calendar Updated and archives back up

[endurance] Ride Calendar Updated and archives back up

Mike Maul (mmaul@micro.ti.com)
Wed, 14 Feb 96 16:51:56 CST

The AERC ride calendar has now been updated as of Feb 1. While
Russ Humphrey and I have made a best effort to keep the typos
to a minimum - there are likely to be some there.

Please note that this is not an official AERC list. It is a manually
entered copy using the info from the EN. The AERC does not yet support
the information on this page.

If you do see typos - please pass this information along to me at


For those that would like an ascii copy - no WWW capability yet - please
let me know by e-mail at the above address.

The archives are now back on line as well and are current thru today.
The system admin - Bengt - has gotten them back on line.

Russ has done a great job in formatting the ride calendar and making
it easy to see rides by region. He is also working on the software
to print out a "personal" ride calendar that you could use for
just the rides you plan to attend.

Questions/comments to me at the above address.

Mike Maul
Houston, Tx