ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Hives - Vitamin Therapy ?

Re: [endurance] Hives - Vitamin Therapy ?

Truman Prevatt (prevatt@mail.lds.loral.com)
Mon, 12 Feb 1996 09:34:22 -0400

Sounds like fire ants.

>I had a mare develope "bumps" at a ride.
>Actually I rode 25 of a 50 and her recoveries were bad, but veternarian
>acceptable (not to me...I know the horse), so I pulled her. The next morning
>she had bumps all over her body..itchy!!! 15 cc Banamine made her more
>comfortable and the bumps went down in a few days, but each bump had a small
>scab on it (literally thousands all over her body!!) When they came off it
>looked like she had chicken pox. I took her on another 50 2 weeks later to a
>whopping third place finish (chicken pox marks and all) and everything was
>My only guess is that we were camped in a cattle pasture and she ate or
>rolled in something as it never happened again.


The race is not always to the swift, but to those that keep running.

Truman and Mystic "The Horse from HELL" Storm
and Danson "The Demon in Training" Flame

prevatt@lds.loral.com - Sarasota, Florida