ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Re: Horse Shoes

Re: [endurance] Re: Horse Shoes

Thu, 14 Dec 95 14:38:23 PST

Here's the info I got off the internet. Let me know if the format is

Linda-Catherine and Magic Jake



A revoluntionary, shock absorbent, two-part horseshoe system.

Dear Fellow Horseowner,

Thank you for your interest in Slypner Athletic Horseshoes. We would like you to
consider the following:

-When shod with traditional steel horseshoes, the force your
horse's hooves withstand is comparable to a 300 lb. sledge
hammer every time their legs hit the ground. This is the same
for a pleasure horse, a performance horse or a horse that has
an existing injury or condition.

-Would you want to run miles in steel shoes or a pair of
athletic shoes? If your horse had a choice in the matter, he
wouldn't either! At Slypner Athletic Horseshoes, we understand
that the longevity of your horses' comfortable working life is
at stake. We feel strongly that our shock absorbing horseshoes
are the nicest thing you can do for your horse.

Like you, Slypner's sales representatives are also horse
owners. Please give us a call at 1-800-SLYPNER (1-800-759-7637)
if you have any questions, want more information, or just want
to talk about the suitability of our shoes for you horse.


Joan G. Demers - Product Advisor/Marketing

Sharon Companion - Customer Service/Sales

What are Slypner Athletic Will my farrier be able to
Horseshoes? put Slypners on my horse?

They consist of a stainless Certainly. Slypners are
steel base shoe with a applied just like a
polyurethane wearing sole conventional horseshoe. No
insert. The base shoe is special skills or tools are
applied in the same manner as required. With your first
a conventional horseshoe and order, we send a Farriers
provides the anchor for the Application Video and an
polyurethane wearing sole, the Application Guide for
key to added shock absorption Farriers. The video shows how
and traction. to shape a Slypner horseshoe
(on an anvil just like steel
What horses benefit from horseshoes) and, basically,
reduced shock and concussion? lets your farrier know that
shoeing with Slypners is not
Simply put, all horses much different than what they
benefit! Performance horses to do now.
pleasure horses use Slypners From a customer's letter, "My
polyurethane wearing sole to farrier, who was initially
reduce shock and concussion reluctant to put them on,
(by up to 80%). commented on how well my
Reducing these potentially horse's hooves looked after
destructive forces before the four weeks with the Slypner
hooves, ligaments, tendons, shoe." CC, Pennsylvania
and muscles have to deal with
them can prevent many of the Who are our customers?
lameness situations that
shorten the working life of Our customers range from
our horses. Champion Endurance and
Combined Driving competitors
Why haven't I heard of this to Sharon and myself, backyard
innovative horseshoe before horseowners. We talk every
now? day, to world class
competitors, mounted police
Maybe, because you've just units, carriage companies,
noticed something a little dressage enthusiasts,
different in the way your hunter/jumper riders, mule
horse is moving? Or, a friend owners, traveling circus acts,
has a horse they dearly love junior riders, senior riders,
just diagnosed with a lameness gaited horse owners, Quarter
causing condition. This made Horse lovers, distance and
you more aware of your own pleasure riders, people who
horse's vulnerability? You may own sound, sane (or insane)
have started a new training horses, and people who have
regime and realize that more horses with the most
stress and strain will be entertaining personalities and
occurring and something is the most frustrating
going to have to be done unsoundness -- in short, with
before something gives! Or, just about every type of
like the majority of our horseowner, horselover out
customers, your horse is your there!
best friend, gets the best
care, the best feed, the best How do Slypners benefit the
saddle, you saw our ad and average horse?
decided to get the best
horseshoe! In the past, horses were used
by the military, in
How much do they cost? agriculture and as a principle
means of transportation.
Much less than you think! Slypner Athletic Horseshoes
Actually, about half the price are designed to address the
of other one-piece needs of the 21st Century
polyurethane shoes, and much, horse. Today, the horse is
much less than custom made used primarily for sport, in
horseshoes. The stainless competition and for pleasure.
steel base shoes are The horse is now exposed to
resettable 2-4 times and the paved roads, concrete stable
durable, high traction, aisles, higher and higher
polyurethane wearing soles can obstacles to jump, and, in
be replaced by you, the rider, general, to greater stress and
when worn. Three tread designs strain than nature ever
are available to suit a intended. The Slypner Athletic
variety of terrain conditions. Horseshoe was developed in
response to this new set of
A customer E-Mail conditions. Reducing the
correspondence, "I ride damaging effects of shock and
aggressively and have found concussion, and increasing
the wearing soles to last traction and stability can add
remarkably well." PVD, to the productive life of your
Farrier, Washington horse.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: [endurance] Re: Horse Shoes
Author: HELFTER77@aol.com at Imail
Date: 12/14/95 2:19 PM

Could anyone send information on Slypner Athletic shoes or Shock Tamers.

Thank you.
