ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] HUMOR

[endurance] HUMOR

Diane Mathews (dianem@hpbs2694.boi.hp.com)
Mon, 11 Dec 95 9:31:08 MST

Someone sent me this spoof chain letter, and i chuckled enough that i
thought you'd enjoy it too.

>From: Delia Kuzz <DKUZZ@epsb.edmonton.ab.ca>
>To: mausen <mausen@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca>
>Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 13:40:00 -0700
>Dear Rider:
>This chain letter is meant to bring relief and happiness to you.
>Unlike most chain letters, it does not cost money. Simply send a copy
>of this letter to six other riders who are dissatisfied with the
>way their horses are going or working. Then send your horse to the
>rider at the top of the list, and add your name to the bottom!
>In one week, you will receive 16,436 horses, and one of these should be
>dandy. Have faith in this letter . . . one rider broke the chain and
>got his own horse back!
>(Please do not send surplus horses to our Directors . . . they have
>enough problems...)