ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] bits, and help

[endurance] bits, and help

Gwen Dluehosh (dluehosh@vt.edu)
Sat, 4 Nov 1995 11:54:52 -0500 (EST)

I only ever use a snaffle on my guys and want to go completely to a
hackamore if possible on my stallion. Follow your instincts, you are right
in this case.(IMHO)
Also, is there someone out there on AOL. COM that could possibly help Teddy
Lancaster figure out where her signature is on her program and how to get
here? I am not familiar with her program but gave it my best shot!
Her Email address is run4bear@aol.com.
Thanks alot!
| Gwen Dluehosh "Pretty enough to show, |
| Desert Storm Arabians (| |)_____ tough enough |
| 2249 Mt. Tabor Rd / \ \__=___ to RIDE." |
| Blacksburg, VA 24060 (= + =) \___=___ |
| 540/953-1792 \ + / \__=____ |
| dluehosh@vt.edu | + | \____=___ |
| Endurance/racing ()+() \ _______ |
| halter stock available \_/ |