ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: [endurance] AERC fee schedule

RE: [endurance] AERC fee schedule

Gwen Dluehosh (dluehosh@vt.edu)
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 12:23:22 -0500 (EST)

HI all
Soapbox ON!
I feel the same way-I knew i wanted to do distance riding but it took a few
nice vet students and a lot of nice people to get me to an actual ride and
learn about the sport. I had known since I got my first horse as a teen
ager-and I am not that old now, but it's been 11 years!

I only started because someone was nice enought to lend me a horse and help
me get to the rides to compete! But it's true, I hardly see anything in the
AHW, or any other Arab publication or in fact any other magazine. About once
a year, Equus runs stuff, but then there isn't any schedule or who to
contact in an advertisement after the article-maybe a "if you would like
more info" line, but I never call those, I respond better to nice ads. I did
see all the Valerie Kanavy and also the Remingotn Steele articles,but those
were far apart. AHW does do a thing on the TEVIS, but nothing else-and
certainly I haven't seen the ROC in there. It's all whether the horse was a
show horse or not to begin with. It seems amazing even to people in my local
AHA chapter that I could even conceive of racing my horses! Although it's
gottne a little better.
Soapbox off

I know that endurance people are differnet that way-they use and enjoy their
horses, and probably take the best care possible by letting the horse be a
horse-I guess tha's what I like about this the most.
I too would like to see more ads.

I think that maybe raising the sanctioning fee might be a better way-we
honestly said, well, we have enough money to join AERC, but not VAHA.
Anyway, the ride managers out there would know better, and I may kick myself
in ten years for saying such a thing...

I tell everyone I know about it when I hear the typical " I haven't met an
Arab yet that could be trusted" and invite them to come out and either see a
ride or come ride mine with me.
It does make a difference! People seem to have a warped view of
Arabs-especially b/c of the way they are expected to act in the
halter ring. PUKE.
I wager the same to be true of Saddlebreds, QHs and Apps, and racing TBS.

> we are, who we are and when we will be there. People that don't ride but
> love horses would come to watch, cheer or maybe even volunteer for
> something! I'll get off my soapbox for a moment then, and see you at
> Sunland ( With my heater on full blast after last year)
| Gwen Dluehosh "Pretty enough to show, |
| Desert Storm Arabians (| |)_____ tough enough |
| 2249 Mt. Tabor Rd / \ \__=___ to RIDE." |
| Blacksburg, VA 24060 (= + =) \___=___ |
| 540/953-1792 \ + / \__=____ |
| dluehosh@vt.edu | + | \____=___ |
| Endurance/racing ()+() \ _______ |
| halter stock available \_/ |