ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: [endurance] saddle pads and breast collars

RE: [endurance] saddle pads and breast collars

Kathy Myers (Kathy.MYERS@syntex.com)
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 07:56:25 -0800 (PST)

Hi Bobbi!

First, congratulations on entering your
first ride. Please let us all know how you
and Shai do!

I have a narrow backed TB who wears a narrow
TB tree Stubben Survival. I use an OPEN cell
Skito pad between his synthetic fleece trail
pad with pockets and the saddle. He does not
show signs of back soreness at all. I much
preferr the open cell (space shuttle) material
as it really absorbs shock. Magnum has a
rough trot and I think it protects him from
my bone-y rear end and book learned (no-
class ;-) ) riding.

I also have a friend Val who can use basically
the same setup on her TB and still have back
soreness problems. The only other thing I can
see is her TB Jessie has very pretty, but fine
velvet fur. Magnum has normal horse hair.
The skito pad may be creating too much heat
under the saddle for her Jessie. Magnum just
doesn't have this problem. All horses are a bit
different. I'm convinced I got lucky where
saddles and pads are concerned.

:) - kat