ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] KANSAS

[endurance] KANSAS

Stephen Rojek (dinah@Vermontel.com)
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 22:07:37 -0400

Alittle update on the ride.
We Vermonters did lots of laughing beforehand, thinking we wouldn't find
anything to do in Kansas before the race. We started our "tour day" (we
build one in whenever possible -- keeps the crew happy and the riders calm)
at the cavalry museum at Fort Riley. Did you know that they used
"Orthoflexes" in the 1910s? We ended up in Coucil Grove looking for a tree
that had been a mail box during the covered wagon days. Stopped in the gas
station and the town hall. Nobody knew where it was. Then Lucy S. got wind
of Santa Fe wheel ruts showing the way west. We all drive horses too so we
caved in when she insisted we MUST see them. Off we went in search of
We found a swale with a barbed wire fence running across it. We stood in
the middle of a dusty road inspecting the swale (it required inspection
just to notice it).
Then the ride began. We did the first fifteen miles in 47 minutes. I went
25ish miles when Stashu, who was galloping flat out, smacked into the far
of a "wash." I thought I knew what a wash was, but they don't look the same
in Kansas. I would have sworn it was agood sized irrigation ditch. Neither
of us saw until we were airborne. From what others have told me, Stashu
went down with his head between his legs then slid along his left side
while I did two somersaults over his head. I remember seeing his foot
ALMOST clear the top of the bank. Then I was on the ground thanking my
higher power that I was alive. (I broke my clavicle in two places and I am
plenty sore but alive.)
Joy Mahler (VA) was also on the ground, curled up in a fetal position.
I sent Steve on with Stashu to get help. After everyone left we started
hoofing our way out. Maggy Price came by. She had briefly been in the lead
(in the wrong direction) when her horse bolted after receiving a leg
splitting kick. Blood was running over his hoof.
A couple of local competitors came by and warned us about the bull in the
pasture, but we just didn't care at that point. EMT Brett Myers (crewing
for Heather Hoyns, who ponied Joy's horse)and a guy from the sheriff's
posse came to the rescue in a 4X4 before the bull finished what was left of
us off. Joy ended up with many bruises and the next day decided she
probably had broken her thumb. Lucy and I had tea at the local hospital. A
few minutes after we got back, armed with sling and pain killers, to check
on Stashu, Steve and Hawk trailered in. At 42 miles Hawk got a muscle
cramp. They trotted him out for the walking wounded and by then he was
fine. (Thank Goodness). I heard several other people got hurt running into
barbed wire and I wanted to send my sympathy to Debby LaBerge who had a
nasty accident in the dark. She was still in the hospital when we left, and
I heard she was suffering from broken ribs. It is awful.
For ride results I know that Nina Warren won, Chrissy Unser second, Cindy
Simcox and Heather Hoyns were top ten. I was in a bit of a fog so I only
caught results of people from the East. Sorry this is incomplete.

I am still walking around thinking we are all lucky to be alive and I am
grateful to only be in a sling for a mere ten weeks.. That, too will pass
;). --