ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] World Championship PreRide Unofficial Preliminary Results

[endurance] World Championship PreRide Unofficial Preliminary Results

Sun, 15 Oct 1995 02:41:27 -0400

Welcome from Sunny Kansas!

It is now just past 1am local time. The last of the 100 milers are on their
way in from the last vet check. I've been up too long to make this much more
than a list.


50 Miler:
1. Peggy Penland Moore (NM)
2. Kathy Crothers
3. Margaret Ling
4. Jim Baldwin
5. Bob Steller
6. Connie Gray
7. Michael Black
8. Emmett Ross
9. Eric Strauss
10. Teddy Lancaster
also completing:
Genie Wunderlich
CoCo Miller
Lauretta Shanahan
Chris Rodriguez
Diane Ebel
Ron Brown

Belinda Hope Skiles
Patti Pizzo
Rosie Rollins
Bruce Nagel
Mike Tomlinson
Matt Frazier

100 Miler (as of Midnight)
1. Nina Warren
2. H. Christie Unser
3. Lynda Corry
4. Holly Ulyate
5. Cindy Simcox
6. Lyn Abrams
7. Don Jacobs
8. Lois McAfee
9. Heather Hoyn
10. Albert Dollinger
11. Melissa Crain
Also known in:
June Peterson
Carol Steiner
Valery Kanavy
Margaret Wade

Pulled so far:
Patti Crawford
Susie Carlton
John DiPietra
Lori Windows
Phillip Farmer
Connie Farmer
John Matthews
Margie Burton
Julie Phair
Darolyn Butler
CeCi Butler-French
Joy Mahler
Connie Caudill
Maggy Price (horse’s knee kicked)
Sally Hall
Cory Navoy
Rochelle Burnside
Karen Binns DiCamillo
Stepen Rojek
Dianah Rojek
Debbie LaBerge
Cheryl Winter

The course is very frustrating... too many very sharp rocks, hidden dangers,
not able to ever set a pace. It was well marked s far as where to go, but
too many of the dangers were hidden. Other than that, the management has
done extremely well. Great food, great company, very nice trail, great
weather, great people (and the natives are very friendly).

Wish more people from the two coasts could have been here. Looking forward
to next year! The US can win the GOLD!

Mike Tomlinson
from Manhattan, Kansas