ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Polar heart rate monitors

[endurance] Polar heart rate monitors

Desiree Hanen (desiree.hanen@medtronic.com)
Wed, 04 Oct 1995 01:48:35 -0500

I bought my Polar heart rate monitor 2 1/2 years ago and have been using
it since in rides. I use the Enduro. For me this works much less stressful
than using a stethoscoop and during rides I know better how my horse is
doing (normally while drinking at my grooms, the heart rate within about a
minute drops below 60 bpm after an extensive trot or even canter) and
know when he's (been) working (too) hard or when he's doing not (too)
much (being lazy). Unfortunately I noticed that it doesn't work always
without problems. You have to figure out the best location for the
patches to assure proper operation. It works perfect with the Akhal
Tekkiner, I have more problems with the patch location at my part-bred

Together with Lei Romer I represent Polar in the Netherlands when it
comes to the equestrian heart rate monitors. We only manufacture and
sell the monitors with the wires and patches and don't have too good
experience with the wireless. With our monitors goes a self-created,
handmade and enduro-tested pouch which keeps the monitor perfectly
attached to your saddle. We also include a sheet with our experiences
and hints. This is highly appreciated by especially "first-time users" as
we also faced problems while connecting first time.

Wires can be send in for repairement at any time and patches can be
replaced if necessary (materials and mail costs only).
Service and accessibility for customers with questions and problems is
very important and that is what we try to offer to our endurance and
eventing collegues.


Desiree Hanen - The Netherlands

(Still... it takes Love over Gold & to finish is to win!)