ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] learning the hard way...

[endurance] learning the hard way...

Wed, 30 Aug 1995 00:40:28 -0400

I learned a lesson this past weekend, the hard way, and unfortunately at the
expense of my horse. I realized that I rode her too long and too hard. Up
until about 6 - 8 weeks ago, when summer arrived, I was riding at least 2 -3
times a week. Cherokee was in great condition. Since then, I've only ridden
once every week or two, because it's been so hot.

This past weekend, I did alot of trotting up and down hills and a fair
amount of cantering, up and down hills (total of about 20 miles in one day).
My horse ended up with a very sore back, possibly scalded. Several folks
said that they had experienced similar problems, after using the Skito pad.
Anyone else out there have heat problems with this particular pad???

The next day, I discovered that Cherokee had some broken capillaries in her
nostrils, and a small amount of bloody discharge from her nose. I really
feel awful about this. I'm realizing that I need to change the way I ride.
I'm fairly new to this endurance stuff and I'm constantly learning. What
I'd like to know is, how much trotting and cantering do you folks
do....during conditioning and during an actual ride? I'd like to know if you
trot or canter up/down the hills??? I'd really appreciate any advice,
suggestions etc. Thanks.

Leslie and Cherokee