ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: diaherra in old horses

Re: diaherra in old horses

Kathy Myers x3004 (Kathy.MYERS@syntex.com)
Wed, 23 Aug 1995 08:36:19 -0800 (PST)

> i have an ancient (35-40) year old mare who has terrible
> daily with anything she eats and i have changed feeds without any
> goes right through her. has been vet checked, with only the
response, she's
> old...any help would be appreciated. shes routinelly
> taken care of, etc...have tried senoir equine feeds, bread,pills,
> good home remedies out there?
> Nelson & Annette Blackmore
> 495 First St. Geneva Fl.
> 32732
> 407-349-9796

With Rascal we have had the same problem.
He's on a bunch of Equine Senior a day... like
12 + pounds (as much as he'll eat at one time).
I also let him pick at good alfalfa hay. He gets
Digest Aid, vitamins, a dab of corn oil. His
diaherra gets a lot better when he's "getting
enough to eat" (what ever that might actually
be). His teeth are still good.

The more bulk I could get him to eat, the less

:) - kat

ps: For those of following Rascal's latest story,
his owner is having second thoughts about
putting him down. I am able to pull him and
feed him once a day, but he's quit grazing or
trying to eat the hay John feeds. His vet of
12 years is fairly certain he has cancer, but
is unable to "positively diagnose" him to his
crazy owner... without seeing tumors. That
would mean x-rays or exploratory. So far, I
have not seen the portable x-ray machine.
The thought is to move him to some magic
adoptive house where he can get more than
once a day care. He needs fed or free feed
at this point. Every day he looks a bit more
like a scarecrow horse... I hope they move
him soon. He's still oblivious to his condition
and his owner only sees him when he comes
whinnying up to the fence because he's so
hungry... She apparently needs to see him
suffer before she decides to put him down.
I wonder how long that's going to take...?