ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Vet procedure

Re: Vet procedure

Stephanie Teeter (step@fsr.com)
Fri, 11 Aug 1995 07:04:33 +0800

>>>>> "BULTE" == BULTE <BULTE@INFO.FORASOL.atlas.fr> writes:

> I'm surprised 1- you have to wait for a P&R check to enter in
> the vet area 2- that is not always under control of a
> veterinian.

> In France (and ELDRIC rides) we may decide to enter when we want
> (the rider) and then only the vet checks pulse and gait.

> I f every thing is not ok, you are just pulled out without an
> another chance.

Pierre - does your horse have to be at a minimum pulse at this
point? Does your hold begin *as soon as* you arrive at the check?
