ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Helping at Tevis

Re: Helping at Tevis

Caroline S. Morse (morse@ctron.com)
Wed, 21 Jun 1995 08:21:39 -0400 (EDT)

>From Karen:
>My sister and I (Hi Lynn) keep talking about going to Tevis come
>year (to WATCH, not compete)

>I wouldn't mind thinking about crewing for someone (especially
>someone I knew or have met over the newsgroup), or otherwise
>helping out in some way.

>Anyone out there need help or how to put us in touch with someone
>who might have something productive for us to do?

I like this idea! Kitty and I are planning to compete next year -
when *we're* (hopefully! :-)) in better shape and, most of all,
when we can afford a trailer. In the meantime, we live in NH,
and are shooting for NH, MA, ME events. Crewing sounds like a
good idea - some kind of preparation for what we're getting our-
selves into! Anyone in this area willing to let me help and
learn the ropes with you?

|/\ ;;---;;\ Caroline & Miss Kitty
_(,___) ) \; (who's no pussycat!)
( / /\\ / morse@ctron.com
/ / |