ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: standardbred pulse higher???

RE: standardbred pulse higher???

Michael Maul (alsun57!maul@aluxs.att.com)
Wed, 7 Jun 95 09:32:41 EDT

damn... i was worried about that. now i have embarrassed myself in
front of the whole world. i always get saddlebreds and standardbreds
confused... to the whole group - my apologies - espec to those with
saddlebreds and saddlebreds...

the horse moves fine and yes - he has had lots of ring training and showing.
he had not been out on the trails much though.



>>Date: 7 Jun 95 07:25:47 -0700
>>From: Lois Crowley <lcrowley@ctron.com>
>>Subject: RE: standardbred pulse higher???
>>To: Michael Maul <alsun57!maul@aluxs>
>>Standardbred? National Show Horse? I hope you mean Saddlebred or I've missed
>>something here....
>> I have ridden with some saddlebreds on CTR's and their recoveries were
>>excellent but, they have a more animated way of going and it seems to *cost*
>>them a little more as they move down the trail, hence the higher pulse rate.
>>That could possibly improve with time. How does the horse move? And had he
>>ever been *set up* to do saddleseat show ring stuff?
>>My 2 cents
>>Name: Lois Crowley
>>DNI Product Support
>>Cabletron Systems Inc.
>>E-mail: lcrowley@ctron.com
>>Opinions mine alone!