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Older former high school horse

We bought an awsome gelding recently for my 12 year old daughter. He was a high school trained horse and was trained to do 4th level dressage. He has done it all -western , dressage, driving , some competative trail at one time and was at arabian nights for 5 years as a feature performer. The boy is broke to death.He is just as gentle and sweet as he could be and definatly not spooky. My daughter will learn alot on the boy and have fun too. The one thing is that he has been in a pretty tight frame for many years  and needs to free up some movement to lenghten his stride and free up the natural shoulder movement. He naturally has a huge stride (by the was he is a Count Dorsaz grandson so the movement is definatly showing in the genes) in the pasture and is very limber. When you put a saddle and ride him he automatically goes into that very tight frame. It looks wonderful , but we need him to lenghten out. Any suggestions ???
Thanks !
Merrie Boone
Silver Dream Arabians

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